Supervisor Training For Workplace Safety

Our Supervisor Training Programs make sure that the people who are responsible for applying your policy do things properly, which is a practical and legally required element of program development. This one day, exam based, course is intended for supervisors and managers on whose shoulders fall the bulk of policy implementation. The course is chock full of information and the exam ensures that the attendees “get it” which is an important part of your due diligence. It is critical from a practical and legal perspective that this training be carried out.

Attendees will be trained how to legally and properly investigate suspected cases of on the job impairment and/or drug and alcohol use as well as investigate accidents/incidents/near misses for the purpose of determining if drug and alcohol testing is legally defensible in the circumstance. A high degree of participation and real world examples of accidents from your industry make for a lively process. If you already have a policy in place but need training for existing or new staff this can also be carried out.

Have Questions?

Questions about drug & alcohol testing services? Give us a call or send us a message.